Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject



Q 1. I would like for you to explain the 4 functions of management. These 4 functions are fundamental in understanding how you, as future managers, will be able to move people to action, which is what managers do! 2. Briefly discuss the basic Management Skills required of effective managers. Based on your responses, which of the skills do you believe you have already mastered and why? 3. I believe that by combining my "gut" instincts or intuition, EBM, and systematic study I will be able to predict the likely behavior of my employees. Based on your text, escribe what this sentence really means. 4. Discuss with one classmate why you feel about question 3 the way you do and Support your opinions with a SPJRA.

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The four basic functions of management are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. It can be said that the managers require the basic idea of how to plan and organize the different methods that are required to be used for the organization and this is followed by becoming an effective leader and able to control each and every situation within the organization. I believe that every manager should be able to identify their personal strengths and weaknesses which helps them in maintaining a good level of understanding for managing the employees and achieving the best for the organization.